Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Latest News, Jullian Assange gets bail, whoops we changed our minds...

This has been a hard one to keep up with today. I got out of the shower this morning and the breaking news was that Jullian Assange would be released on bail with a few conditions. Then the Swedish government filed an objection, so he will be in for another 48hrs till another hearing. I predict another series of hacking attacks on the Swedish government...

However, Operation Leakspin is still going strong. Go to youtube and repost the videos far and wide.

In other news, A new study proves that Fox News makes you stupid. Big surprise, I've been saying this for years...

That's all I've got for now, more updates possible later on as news comes in.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Operation Leakspin, new videos and updates.

Latest news, as of this morning the "Support Jullian Assange" site on worldpress is down,  possible DDoS's. There was another attack on mastercard.com last night. Don't know how long it was down.

There seems to be a split in the Operation Paybackc rowd, some going on with Operation Leakspin (see video) and others who wish to keep up the LOIC attacks against Paypal, Mastercard, Visa, ect. Some Anti-Anonomous group has poped up calling itself The Regime (or Fagime, as others call them). Possible ties to the Church of Scientology have been claimed, but doubtfull. Check the like for more info.

So what do you do? We need to fall back and regroup. The LOIC attacks were good, it got their attention. It told the enemies of free speech that we will not take it lying down. It worked, however you can't keep using the same attack and expect it to be effective. Stronger defences will come up, and attempts that fail don't make great publicity. Attacking the companies who cut off Wikileaks isn't going to hurt the governments who abused human rights (not just the US). Getting the information out will. So check out the video below on how to do that.

Time to get to the serious work to looking through the cables and passing out the leaks.....

"During times of universal decit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary idea"
                                                                                         -Orwell, 1984.

Friday, December 10, 2010

News from the front; Cease Fire, Repeat, Cease Fire...

I was going to go into more links but this is the info I got today.

And I did find this today

ANON OPS: A Press Release
December 10, 2010

Who is Anonymous

In their most recent public statement, WikiLeaks is the only group of people to identify Anonymous correctly. Anonymous is not a group, but rather an Internet gathering.

Both Anonymous and the media that is covering it are aware of the percieved dissent between individuals in the gathering. This does not, however, mean that the command structure of Anonymous is failing for a simple reason: Anonymous has a very loose and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas rather than directives.

We do not believe that a similar movement exists in the world today and as such we have to learn by trial and error. We are now in the process of better communicating some core values to the individual atoms that comprise Anonymous - we also want to take this opportunity to communicate a message to the media, so that the average Internet Citizen can get to know who we are and what we represent.

Anonymous is not a group of hackers. We are average Interent Citizens ourselves and our motivation is a collective sense of being fed up with all the minor and major injustices we witness every day.

We do not want to steal your personal information or credit card numbers. We also do not seek to attack critical infrastructure of companies such as Mastercard, Visa, PayPal or Amazon. Our current goal is to raise awareness about WikiLeaks and the underhanded methods employed by the above companies to impair WikiLeaks' ability to function.

What is Operation: Payback
As stated above, the point of Operation: Payback was never to target critical infrastructure of any of the companies or organizations affected. Rather than doing that, we focused on their corporate websites, which is to say, their online "public face". It is a symbolic action - as blogger and academic Evgeny Morozov put it, a legitimate expression of dissent.

The background to the attacks on PayPal and the calls to attack Amazon.com

Amazon, which was until recently WikiLeaks' DNS provider, was one of the first companies to drop support for WikiLeaks. On December 9th, BusinessInsider.com reported that Amazon.co.uk were hosting the recently leaked diplomatic cables in e-book form. (Amazon.co.uk has since ceased selling the bundle of the diplomatic cables.)

After this piece of news circulated, parts of Anonymous on Twitter asked for Amazon.com to be targetted. The attack never occured.

While it is indeed possible that Anonymous may not have been able to take Amazon.com down in a DDoS attack, this is not the only reason the attack never occured. After the attack was so advertised in the media, we felt that it would affect people such as consumers in a negative way and make them feel threatened by Anonymous. Simply put, attacking a major online retailer when people are buying presents for their loved ones, would be in bad taste.

The continuing attacks on PayPal are already tested and preferable: while not damaging their ability to process payments, they are successful in slowing their network down just enough for people to notice and thus, we achieve our goal of raising awareness
So for now, cease fire. Hold all attacks. There is also This update and somebody sent me this

Get to work

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Update from the front....

I kinda hate the fact I work wierd hours and sleep even wierder ones. As the Apox Kids said, STAY AWAKE! So on to the latest news from the front.

A 16 year old boy was arrested in connection with the Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on Mastercard. Find more about it here . The attacks agains Amazon have subsided so that the army can concentrate on PayPal. Thousands of new recruits are joining worldwide. Red Pill anyone? Websites are popping up like mad and I doubt there is any way I can cover this sort of story in a conventional sense. Keep informed, don't trust the mainstream media on this one. The press burries parts of the story, such as the fact that One accuser in the Assange rape case has ties to the CIA. There is a petition going to keep Wikileaks online, Check it out here.  I can point you in the right direction, but you are the one who has to Follow the white rabbit. Keep up with the news on the fight here.

Update: I've got a few more sites to list, namely this one. However I'm making it a point to try to document all I can find out there. Who knows how long it will be up before Big Brother shuts it down. Time to free your mind

Get this info out, become part of the infowar!

You have a choice to make. Red Pill or the Blue Pill. Hell I say take them both! Take them both and seed them to every torrent site you can, back it up on hard drives, disks, flash drives, and get it out! I can't tell you what the files are. I can tell you that they ARE NOT VIRUSES OR MALWARE! Please, If you value freedom of speech, and the idea of an open government for the people, by the people, you have to do this. Sitting on the fence is no longer an option folks!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Latest news regarding Operation Payback....

Well folks, it seems that the war has begun.  The Cyber wars are no longer fiction folks. They are here. Twitter shut down it's accounts of users who used the tag #payback. They will probably be the next target. Sarah Palin has become a target of Operation Payback for her comments regarding Jullian Assange. I found another must read here.  Even worse are some of the comments below.....

 "Hackers are the new terrorists." - Fox News National Security Analyst KT McFarland

"We should declare them a terrorist organization, which would enable us to seize their assets and go after anyone that assists them in any way." - Rep Peter King

"He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands... Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban Leaders?" - Sarah Palin

“We haven't gone after this guy, we haven't tried to prosecute him, we haven't gotten our allies to go out and lock this guy up and bring him up on terrorism charges.” - Rep Rick Santorum

"I think Assange should be assassinated, actually. I think Obama should put out a contract and maybe use a drone or something." - former PM Advisor Tom Flanagan

“We should treat Mr Assange the same way as other high-value terrorist targets: Kill him.” - conservative columnist Jeffrey T Kuhner

“Why can’t we use our various assets to harass, snatch or neutralize Julian Assange and his collaborators, wherever they are?” - former Chief of Staff William Kristol

If Jullian Assange and Wikileaks are terrorists, can you say the same for Woodward and Bernstien? How about Deep Throat or Daniel Ellsberg ? This really scares the shit out of me. The US government is saying that journalists who publish anything that embarasses the government are terrorists. The press has been the watchdog of the government since day one, great way to start going after them, call them terrorists. First Amendment states

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
I'm not surprised by much anymore, but this shit is getting a little scary. It's adding up. If we don't stand up now, fight to take america back, we will no longer be free to do so. Speak up while you still can.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And the Band Played On......

Where to start? Where to start..... I've had a lot to follow in the last few days. I've kept my eye on the WikiLeaks situation with Jullian Assange. I guess that's where I'll start.

First off. I commend Jullian Assange with having the bravery (and balls the size of Texas), to publish the videos and documents that he has published. There are some questions as to weather or not people's lives were put in danger by publishing said material, including Mr. Assange. Various politicians(Sarah Palin and other rabid right wingers) have called for his assination and the mainstream media (CNN, FOX and others) are begining to refer to Wikileaks as a terrorist organization. WTF! What ever happened to free speech in the good old US of A? Oh wait, that dissapeared along with our other rights after 9/11. It's free speech unless the US Government gets egg on it's face.

As far as refering to Wikileaks as a "Terrorist Organization", what a load of shit. They are Journalists, end of story. Jullian Assange turned himself in today to the British authorities. Wikileaks has suffered denial of service attacks (supposidly by Hacktivists, more likely from the Pentagon), yet they are still up and running. Pay Pal, Amazon, Visa and Mastercard have supposidly cut ties with Assange and Wikileaks, and as such are suffering various denial of service attacks. Who is behind these attacks? 

Now you will say that Mr. Assange is wanted on Rape charges (which I believe are politicially motivated, considering the timing of such charges). Should he face said charges? Yes, however it's pretty clear that this is a political attack and an attempt to silence Wikileaks. A bad one at that. Consider this, Wikileaks is not just one man, or one person. It is a group of people. Take out Jullian Assange, and you make him a martyr. Wikileaks will not shut down on account of that. The Hactivists have taken all government action against Wikileaks as a call to arms. They are now working against the US government computers as we speak. They are also going against anyone they consider an enemy to freedom (Amazon, paypal and the like). So now, big bro and big sis have a ton of hackers to deal with, on top of looking for the real terrorists in our midst. Pardon me while I roll my eyes.... 

There is a war on the horizon. On one side are those who believe in freedom, The Bill of Rights, and equality. On the other, those who want the status quo, inequality, Big Brother invading your private life, lack of freedom to say, do, love and worship as you will. Sooner or later America will wake up, and they will feel like Neo when he just woke up out of the Matrix..........So, the red pill or the blue pill?