Where to start? Where to start..... I've had a lot to follow in the last few days. I've kept my eye on the WikiLeaks situation with Jullian Assange. I guess that's where I'll start.
First off. I commend Jullian Assange with having the bravery (and balls the size of Texas), to publish the videos and documents that he has published. There are some questions as to weather or not people's lives were put in danger by publishing said material, including Mr. Assange. Various politicians(Sarah Palin and other rabid right wingers) have called for his assination and the mainstream media (CNN, FOX and others) are begining to refer to Wikileaks as a terrorist organization. WTF! What ever happened to free speech in the good old US of A? Oh wait, that dissapeared along with our other rights after 9/11. It's free speech unless the US Government gets egg on it's face.
As far as refering to Wikileaks as a "Terrorist Organization", what a load of shit. They are Journalists, end of story. Jullian Assange turned himself in today to the British authorities. Wikileaks has suffered denial of service attacks (supposidly by Hacktivists, more likely from the Pentagon), yet they are still up and running. Pay Pal, Amazon, Visa and Mastercard have supposidly cut ties with Assange and Wikileaks, and as such are suffering various denial of service attacks. Who is behind these attacks?
Now you will say that Mr. Assange is wanted on Rape charges (which I believe are politicially motivated, considering the timing of such charges). Should he face said charges? Yes, however it's pretty clear that this is a political attack and an attempt to silence Wikileaks. A bad one at that. Consider this, Wikileaks is not just one man, or one person. It is a group of people. Take out Jullian Assange, and you make him a martyr. Wikileaks will not shut down on account of that. The Hactivists have taken all government action against Wikileaks as a call to arms. They are now working against the US government computers as we speak. They are also going against anyone they consider an enemy to freedom (Amazon, paypal and the like). So now, big bro and big sis have a ton of hackers to deal with, on top of looking for the real terrorists in our midst. Pardon me while I roll my eyes....
There is a war on the horizon. On one side are those who believe in freedom, The Bill of Rights, and equality. On the other, those who want the status quo, inequality, Big Brother invading your private life, lack of freedom to say, do, love and worship as you will. Sooner or later America will wake up, and they will feel like Neo when he just woke up out of the Matrix..........So, the red pill or the blue pill?
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