Monday, November 15, 2010

Are TSA sexual assaults just the tip of the iceberg?

Ok, how do I want to start this tonight? I know I told you I’d look into class warfare and what not. However recent events have driven me to a more pressing issue, here and now. 

Perhaps you have read this blog regarding 1 man’s experience with the Transportation Safety Authority (TSA). John Tyner told a TSA agent “if you touch my junk, I’m gonna have you arrested”.  You can read more about it here .

I applaud Mr. Tyner for standing up for his rights, despite the hassle and outright bulling by the TSA. He was threatened with a $10,000 civil fine for leaving the airport. No comment from the TSA regarding this incident. So TSA, you gonna file that lawsuit? Are you willing to deal with the throngs of protesters who will meet you at the courthouse?

Another disturbing quote I found was "It's all about security," Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said. "It's all about everybody recognizing their role." Recognizing their role? Meaning what? Shut up and roll over? Meaning don’t you dare give us any lip about your rights? It’s not sexual assault when it’s a TSA pervert feeling you up? I do not believe being a TSA agent exempts you from state laws regarding assault. I have not found any cases of a TSA agent being arrested or charged with sexual assault, although I’m not sure if anybody has called the police and reported such. One rape survivor's case is disturbing.

I don’t know what I find more horrifying, having to choose going through a scanner which might as well be a virtual strip search, and exposes me to massive amounts of radiation (and have not been proven safe), or having to be sexually assaulted by a TSA agent, just to get on a damn plane. What’s worse? How many people just rolled over like dogs and did what they were told, never once questioning the need for such measures? I find it disturbing.

Ben Franklin once said “Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither”. I agree wholeheartedly.  But what if people don’t know their rights? How can they stand up for their rights if they don’t know them? The schools are no longer teaching Social Studies and Civics like they used to. According to the federal government, it’s so they can concentrate on Math and Science, to bring kids up to par with the rest of the world. Yea right, and if you believe that I got some great waterfront property in Fl for you. I found this article which shows how ignorant many Virginia voters are regarding the Consitiution and the Bill of rights. It's clear that they government has slowly been fazing out such courses over the years to make the populus easier to control. If young people don't know their rights, their duty to question and confront their government when civil rights are's a hell of a lot easier to take them away.

So are TSA patdowns just the tip of iceberg? Yes they are. ABC News reported that the "No Child Left Behind" and other programs were secretly collecting data on children for use by the Pentagon. Especially targeted in this secret database are children in High School (per ABC news 6/23/05). How many Child Protective Services horror stories are we finding out about? The mainstream press ignores these as "angry, bitter parents". Yea, I'd be angry and bitter as well if a government worker violated my civil rights and got away with it (as CPS workers routinely do). I have personally witnessed CPS workers violate state and federal laws, force a Domestic Violence victim (who left the country to get away from her abusive husband) to return to the dangerous home and clean it up, otherwise she would loose custody of her daughter. She was told that if she left the home, she would be charged with child neglect. I wrote letters to every women's group, shelter, politician and even Govenor Tim Kane's office (who is now head of the Democratic National Committie).

I had to go as far as ralling the women's groups and threaten a march on the town and involve the media. At that point, I got calls from the head of CPS in Virginia, who pretty much begged me to call off the dogs. I told her there was no turning back until the child was returned to mom and the social workers who violated her 4th and 5th amendment rights (along with laws against kidnapping, and conspriacy) were held accountable. Well, the child was returned to the mother the next buisness day. However the social workers are still getting my tax dollars. The so called "oversight board" said they did nothing wrong! Well who the hell is this oversight board? Who voted/ appointed them? Who are they accountable to? I'm still working on that investigation.

People are waking up and fighting back against what they see as a government that is becoming tyranical. We saw this in the most recent election, with certain Tea Party politicians saying "if we conservatives don't win this election, then perhaps it's time to look at our second amendment remidies", and "if ballots don't work, bullets will". This is not an issue of Right vs. Left, it's about ALL OF OUR RIGHTS! We won't fly. com is organizing a National Opt Out day. Go check it out on their site. Many writers and market watchers already believe we are looking at another american revoloution. We have many of the same economic factors that were present before the French Revoloution. We have an angry populous who have lost their jobs, been forclosed upon, and feel disenfranchised. They want someone to blame. Plenty of publishers and Fox News is making bank on whatever lies and half truths they can publish (Much like the Libels, pamphlets which published outright lies about Louis XVI and more so Marie Antoinette). Truth is usually the first casualty of war.

Could this be the straw that broke the camel's back for civil libertarians? I know it's too much for me. It's time to start writing to our leaders and reminding them who they work for, not the lobbists, or big corporations, but WE THE PEOPLE!

"Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [i.e., securing inherent and inalienable rights, with powers derived from the consent of the governed], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." --Thomas Jefferson: Declaration of Independence, 1776. ME 1:29, Papers 1:315

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