Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Not been a good week here...

It's not fun when you've been bit by a dog, in the face no less. It's been a week and my brain still feels like scrambled eggs. I'll have some scars but I'll be ok.

So on to other news. Things are getting a little crazy. You look online and all you see are people who are angry. Right now there's a lot of fear of a government gone wild. We have actors and others winding up on Homeland Security's watch list for supporting a documentary. Some file sharing websites were shut down and Wikileaks released a ton of confidential state dept. info. They also are experiencing a cyber attack in Europe and the US. Yesterday Comcast was out in most of the eastern US, any connection? Hmmm. Some Hacktivist states he launced the attack against Wikileaks. I don't buy it.

I have friends who are scared. They are scared of the moves the government is making, disregarding the Bill of Rights. They are scared of the Tea Party "We're a Christian Nation" crowd (who would love to take away their right to worship as they see fit), and with everything going on (TSA patdowns possibly moving to bus terminals), all it's gonna take is a spark. That spark will start a revolution, another Civil War. I don't see that going well for anybody. One side is the Government gone wild, who forgot who they work for. The other side are the bible thumpers and racists. So what do we do? It's starting to look like 1984 or V for Vendetta out there.

 I'll probably head over to Ireland, but their economy is in the toilet...lol. Canada is looking good right about now...

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